Title: You Have Nothing For Me.
Materials: Midrange Black Clay, Oxide Wash, Decals
Dimensions: H20″ x L9″ x W8″
Year: 2017
Title: Tahu | Leader of the Blind Archers
Materials: White Earthenware, Oxide Wash
Dimensions: H23″ x L16″ x W10.5″
Year: 2017
Collaboration with Virgil Ortiz
Title: Become a Part of Me.
Materials: Scandanavian Black Earthenware, Glaze, Decals, Luster
Dimensions: H20″ x L10″ x W8″
Year: 2017
Title: Controlled Evolution
Materials: Scandinavian Black Earthenware, Decals, Luster, Magnets
Dimensions: H30″ x L15″ x W8″
Year: 2017
Title: Denmark Untitled 02
Materials: Scandinavian Black Earthenware, Decals, Luster Dimensions: H11.5″ x L7.5″ x W5.5″
Year: 2017
Title: Denmark Untitled 01
Materials: Scandinavian Black Earthenware, Decals, Luster Dimensions: H9″ x L7″ x W5″
Year: 2017
Title: Fancy Rat 2
Materials: Scandinavian Black Earthenware, Decals, Luster Dimensions: H13.5″ x L12″ x W8″
Year: 2017
Title: Ortiz Collaboration Prototype
Materials: Mid-range Black Clay
Dimensions: H20″ x L12″ x W11″
Year: 2017
Title: Fancy Rat
Materials: Mid-range Black Clay
Dimensions: H13″ x L12″ x W8.5″
Year: 2017
Title: Do Cyborgs Get Cold? Probably.
Materials: Mid-range Black Clay
Dimensions: H18″ x L12″ x W11″
Year: 2017
Title: Sculpt Me Like One of Your Cyborg Girls, Cracks and All.
Materials: Mid-Range Black Clay, Magnets
Dimensions: H11″ x L26″ x W17″
Year: 2017
Title: Cathexis 2017
Materials: White Earthenware, Glaze, Decals, Luster
Dimensions: H38″ x L21″ x W25″
Year: 2017
Title: Ex-001
Materials: Mid-range Black Clay
Dimensions: H11″ x L9″ x W6″
Year: 2016
Title: 404 Title Not Found
Materials: White Earthenware, Decals, Luster
Dimensions: H12″ x L6″ x W8″
Year: 2016
Title: A New Beginning
Materials: Mid-range Black Clay
Dimensions: H20.5″ x L15″ x W9.5″
Year: 2016
Title: Woodstock.exe
Materials: White Earthenware, Glaze, Decals
Dimensions: H15.5″ x L13″ x W9″
Year: 2016
Title: The Last.exe
Materials: White Earthenware, Decals, Luster
Dimensions: H22.5″ x L16.5″ x W11″
Year: 2016